Specialising in Dementia Care, Activity and Reminiscence
Training & Community Projects

Supporting Your Dementia Journey
We received some wonderful testimonials from our clients, as well as the schools and care homes that participate in our projects.

“Reminiscence Learning Carers Group means so much to me as it is not only a Lifeline helping to cope with a relative suffering with Dementia, it gives me the opportunity to meet up with others in same situation, where I get support and advice with the many stages on this Journey.
Some sessions are very thought provoking, some extremely lighthearted and uplifting but always valuable and extremely useful.
The Leaders are the glue in the group and all have become special people in my life and feel like extended family, sharing all the ups and downs, information, ideas and advice.
The meetings are a huge benefit to me and the well-being of my relative.
How fortunate I feel to be involved with such a group.”
“I am enormously grateful to Reminiscence Learning for their Carers’ Support Group – held via zoom - which has been a lifeline to me, as I try to come to terms with my husband’s dementia. It is great to know that I am not alone and I am grateful to the others in the group as we share our experiences of the day-to-day difficulties we encounter. You can feel very alone as your partner slips into his own world and others who are not familiar with such a situation just don’t understand the time consuming and rather tedious nature of everyday living. We have been having our quiet sharing group with just the spouses of the clients for some months but recently Reminiscence Learning have introduced a second session which is also attended by our partners with dementia who can join us all for an hour of fun and entertainment – perhaps a quiz or poetry or a play reading – something to lighten our days in difficult times. Lockdown has, of course, made life more stressful for us all and I am not sure how I would have coped without the support of Reminiscence Learning. Long may their Carers’ Support Groups continue.”
"My husband has dementia and for several years Reminiscence learning has been a great source of help and support. Michael has been attending the Respite Activity Sessions twice a week and we have both been going to the community sessions on a Wednesday and Thursday. The sudden arrival of this dreadful Corona virus has changed all that and we were suddenly not allowed to leave our home. Reminiscence Learning immediately reinvented the wheel and came up trumps with twice daily on line live videos made by various members of the team to keep us in touch. There have been cooking demonstrations, quizzes, exercises, craft, laughing yoga and singing. We have also enjoyed weekly video calls from the one of the team. It’s so good to talk and Michael knows he is not forgotten. We are so grateful for the hard work the team have put in and really hope they will be able to continue with their wonderful support."
"Reminiscence Learning are our only lifeline in navigating the advancing dementia my mum is experiencing. Although we have access to a psychiatrist this is never focused on wellbeing on how to manage the changes we are experiencing.
Reminiscence learning have been supporting us for many years and we are endlessly thankful that as her dementia advances that there services have done also.
Mum is with them everyday of the working week and has enabled us to keep her at home and independent longer than we imagined.
The current covid 19 situation has been incredibly difficult with restrictions on family support and the lack of access to outside activities.
It is not unexpected that she is struggling more than usual as her routine is lost.
However reminiscence learning continue to support us through this time and are in part how we have been able to ensure Mum does not need to enter a care home at this time.
They offer twice daily sessions that mum is able to watch these through her tablet, and as of this week we have been able to get these on the TV.
The familiar faces and activities bring a calm and joy too her (accept laughter yoga which raised her spirits and mood and it was lovely to hear genuine laughter as a result).
They also continue to support us via emails, activity ideas and over the last week they have started a call in which was great in helping mum have some different company. This was also a relief for us to have some time knowing she would be engaged directly.
We know this is an incredibly hard time for them and want it to be known that us and many families we know through reminiscence learning cannot manage without this service and their quick adaptation to how they work has been invaluable.
Thank you all!"
"Absolutely fabulous for clients and carers aswell! So much support, love and laughter. A haven for us all and beautiful passionate people. Thankyou from the bottom of my heart xxx"
"Thank you for our DVD we received, there are some lovely activities that we are going to take part in. We especially loved the laughter yoga, it made our afternoon! Sending lot's of love! We miss you Reminiscence Learning!"
"Three years ago we embarked on The Archie Project with Reminiscence Learning. Since then we have made many friends and have helped spread the education of dementia and dispelled the myths with the younger generation. The school children have visited the home, played games, created art projects, sung and laughed with us and sadly we have not been able to complete this year. However, Reminiscence Learning are to the rescue and will be streaming live on a daily basis with stories of Archie!"